Almost three years ago Shellyann was given a UNIQUE opportunity to see and explore our magical world with her heart rather than just her naked eyes. She is now giving hugs rather than just handshakes.
See what happened was almost three years ago while working in a lab Shellyann, was severely burnt on her face, neck, chest, arms and hands. As a result her vision became impaired and lost the use of both of her hands.
See what happened was almost three years ago while working in a lab Shellyann, was severely burnt on her face, neck, chest, arms and hands. As a result her vision became impaired and lost the use of both of her hands.
Through Shellyann’s journey she has learnt to soar above all odds by doing things that might seem to be impossible with the naked eyes. One of her latest project was painting pictures that symbolize LOVE. Shellyann believes when we work with love we break down barriers that cannot be broken down otherwise.
The following are some of the lessons Shellyann has learnt while painting her pictures;
Each day you are given a blank canvas and it is up to you to decide how you are going to paint your picture.
In order to accomplish your dreams you have to take the first step towards achieving your goals.
In Shellyann’s case it was putting her paintbrush on the canvas.
Follow your heart. Do what feels right. Be willing to take chances despite what’s against you.
Shellyann’s painting may not have the perfect lines but she took a chance and painted from her heart.
Fill your day with things that brings you joy.
Fill your day with things that brings you joy.
Shellyann’s painting was filled with colors.
Be proud of your work.
Be proud of your work.
Shellyann was celebrating after each of her paintings because she knew that she gave it her all and was very proud of herself for taking RISKS!
Be Grateful. At the end of the day have gratitude for all the abundant blessings you have in your life.
Be Grateful. At the end of the day have gratitude for all the abundant blessings you have in your life.
Shellyann was very grateful for having the support of her loved ones cheering her on as she did what many might think would be impossible.
Even the visually impaired CAN paint pictures!!!
Even the visually impaired CAN paint pictures!!!