Inspiring tansformation through LOVE!

When we work together with love we break barriers that cannot be broken down otherwise.


Daily Inspiration!

Everything happens for a reason. Learn from each challenge and move forward. You are on this planet because you have a purpose to fulfill. It is amazing how much great things you can accomplish once you stay in faith and believe all things are possible.

Be specific and your dreams and desires. Write it down and imagine yourself living the life you want. You can change your destiny by changing your thinking. Have a positive attitude in everything you do.

It’s not over until it’s over. Set goals for yourself. Keep a positive attitude in every situation. Don’t let setbacks steal away your joy. Learn from each setback and move forward.

The Fundamental Values of Life!

To live a life of fulfillment you have to begin to be grateful for all the blessings you do have in your life right now.

If you want to have peace, you have to find peace in everything. The feeling of love, joy, fulfillment and peace already exists within you. All you have to do is just reach in and get it.

Empathy, love and compassion are the key elements to living a fulfilled life. It connects you with all of God’s creations in a spiritual way.

We are all connected in this universe so it is time for us to work together to make this world a better place rather than working against each other to create a world which is filled with war and hatred.

Each day is a gift from God so make the best out of every moment. Spend your days creating wonderful memories rather than holding negative thoughts in your mind.

The Art of living is Giving and Appreciating.


Morning Inspiration!

Harness the talents of our youth. We have to listen carefully to their ideas and find a way to implement them. We have to create solidarity by working together to build stronger communities. Champion the cause to serve. Stay connected. Understand serving with love and compassion towards serving others. Go the extra mile to help someone in need Enlarge your vision. Cherish the precious moments. I love you all!


Why is it we complain...?

Why is it we complain…?

Why is it we complain that we are lonely when we are surrounded by birds chirping?

Why is it we complain that there is not enough time in the day when people are fighting for just another breath?

Why is it we complain about not having brighter lights when our sky is filled with shinning stars?

Why is it we complain about the food we eat when there are millions of kids hoping for just another meal?

Why is it we complain about our jobs when there are millions of people who are without a job?

Why is it we complain about not being good enough when God created us with His abundance of love?

Why is it we complain about the school we attend when millions are wishing for an education?

Why is it we complain about our government when each day they are fighting for our rights?

Why is it we complain about our children when God has given us his one of His angel?

Why is it we complain about the home we live in when many are sleeping out in the streets?

Why is it we complain about not having a good day when God has just granted us with another day in His kingdom?

Why is it we complain about what’s wrong in our lives rather than focusing on all the abundant blessings we do have?

My prayer for each of you reading this message is to enjoy each moment you do have on the wonderful planet and begin to appreciate all the blessings in your life. May God, the Universe or the Higher Power continue to shower you with abundant blessings. Enjoy the simple things in life.

With Deepest Love & Gratitude, thank you for being a blessing in my life

Shellyann Siddoo
“The Art of living is giving and appreciating.”

A Blessing from Above!

“A Visit from an Angel.”

On the evening of May 11, 2010, I was feeling very sick with the common flu. My temperature was way above normal and my body was overwhelmed with pain. Little did I know at the time God was right by my side reminding me of His love.

As I entered my room at around 11:30pm, I heard a gentle tapping at my window. I quickly called my dad over to investigate where the sound was coming from. To our amazement, he told me that a pigeon was sitting on the side of my window. It was the first time that a pigeon came by to visit. I felt a sense of warmth knowing that I had a visitor. Throughout the night, I woke up several times and each time I got up there was always a gentle tapping at my window reminding me that my Angel was still by my side.

I went over to the window and pressed my checks against where the sound was coming from. I knew from that moment God has sent over one of His angels to protect me.

My dad came into my room around 4am to check up on me and he was shocked to see the pigeon was still there. After taking my medication, I went back to bed and woke up at 6am.

As I got out of bed, I went to the window and I heard the sound of the gentle tapping once again. After completing my morning routine filled with prayers and meditation, to our amazement the pigeon was still there. My dad and I both knew that an Angel came in the form of a pigeon to protect and comfort me throughout the night.

Around 8am, I went over to the window and thanked the pigeon for being there and protecting me throughout the night. A few seconds later, the pigeon flew away.

Always remember God is always by your side and He will send his Angels in form of friends to remind you of His love.

May God continue to shower you and your loved ones with His abundant blessings.

With Love & Gratitude,

Shellyann Siddoo“The Art of Living is Giving and Appreciating.”

A bit of Inspiration!

We need proximity and dialogue to achieve a common goal. Be open to bold ideas. Discover all we have in common, we are more alike than different. Unleash the untapped creativity and talent within you. Do your part to protect the future of our world. Thank you for being a blessing in my life. I love you all!


Daily Inspiration!

Direct your focus and energy on what you want to manifest. Turn fear into focus. Be willing to let go of the past in order to move forward. Don’t be discouraged if you’re not seeing the results right away. If you stay in faith and believe all things are possible you will be rewarded more than you expected. I love you all!