CONGRATULATIONS FOR MAKING TO DAY 10!!!! WOO HOO!!!! I am very proud of you for taking this leap of faith to create a positive shift in your life. WAY TO GO!!! You Deserve It!!!
Many times we get caught up taking care of others and we forget to take care of ourselves. That is one of the biggest mistakes especially women make. We have to take care of ourselves first before we can help anyone else.
Inch by inch, minute by minute and day by day you have to invest time for yourself even if it is only for a few minutes.
When we take care of ourselves we can be our best when we taking care of others. Our cup needs to be filled up first before we can fill the cup of others.
Steps you can take NOW to fill up your cup!
Go for a long walk.
Spend time meditating in the mornings.
Have a facial or get your nails done.
Go to the movies.
Go out with friends.
Have a bubble bath.
Read a book.
Do something that you love and enjoy doing.
Even if you don’t have time for any of these things all you can is close your eyes and listen to the sound of your heartbeat because it is the most loving, fulfilling and wonderful feeling. It is feeling that brings you home to your heart.
Allow yourself to have everything that God wants and created for you have.
Have a sense of empowerment. Stand up and be confident in yourself. Be proud of yourself. Give others the opportunity to get to know the true you.
If you feel beautiful for who you are then you begin to radiate and attract people towards you. The more loving we are with ourselves the world seems much more brighter.
Today’s mission!!!
Do things throughout the day to make you feel good.
Before going to bed tonight write down 10 things that you are grateful for.
Focus on speaking positive words when you are communicating with others. It is a great start to building lasting relationships.
Look for the good in every being.
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are short positive statements that are repeated daily to create an imprint into your subconscious mind. This mechanism creates a shift in your subconscious mind to welcome positive thinking about yourself. As you read each statement take a few seconds and reflect on each of the statement.
I love and believe in myself
I am grateful for what I have
I accept myself totally and unconditionally
I am 100% responsible for my life
I focus on what I appreciate in others
I can!
I am loving and caring
I see beauty in everything
I am the only person in charge of my happiness and bliss
I am patient
The more I give love, the more I receive love
I live in a universe of abundance
I am detached from the outcome
I persist in the directions of my dreams
I compare my progress only to myself
I take things one day at a time
I can change my life by changing my thoughts
I live my life the way I want to
I forgive and move on
I become what I think about, so I only think of good thoughts
I only have thoughts that empower me
I am decisive
My mind is focused on what I desire
Today I choose to be the best I can be at everything I do
When you say you can’t do something you are basically saying you don’t know how to do it or you just don’t want to do it. If you don’t care to do something then you have to look at your attitude but if you feel strongly about not doing something then it is your value. Before you say you can’t do something the next time make sure you are paying attention to see whether it is your attitude or your value.
Daily Motivations:
"What would you do if you know you cannot fail? How can you fail if you're being of service to others while fulfilling your passion?" Shellyann Siddoo
"If you were given one more day to SEE this world, what images would you keep in your mind? For many of us this is reality. Appreciate everything around you and be grateful that you have the ability to see all of the beauties of this magical world. Do not get caught up with living life, start by enjoying life." Shellyann Siddoo
"Just like a lotus flower blossoming in swampy waters you should all look for the positive in every situation. Do not let your challenges, setbacks, disappointments and failures hold you back from blossoming into all that God has created you to be. You entered this world as a bud and as you journey through life you continue to blossom into the beautiful flower you were created to be." Shellyann Siddoo
For more Daily Words of Inspiration you can visit my facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/InspirationInAction . Be apart of GREAT community. We are Inspiration In Action!
May God continue to shower you and those around you with abundant blessings. Have a fun filled day!
I love and appreciate you!
Remember to SMILE! :-)
With Love & Gratitude,