YAY!!! YOU HAVE MADE TO DAY 14!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! WOO HOO!!!! I am very proud of you for taking this leap of faith to create a positive shift in your life. WAY TO GO!!! You Deserve It!!!
As a child we are flooded with big goals, dreams and ideas we want to accomplish in life. Whatever happened to those big ideas we had as a child? Many of us have lost that spark and enthusiasm we had for life. Now is the time to rekindle that fire that was once burning inside of us.
Over the years disappointments and setbacks has held you back from making your dreams a reality. Now is the time to restore your faith in God and believe that you can accomplish anything you want in life. Many days we program ourselves to do the same thing over and over again without having that joy for life. We sometimes take life for granted by not living each day to the fullest. Wake up each morning with a purpose and a desire to live.
If you don’t have a purpose in life then you will quit producing and will eventually stop living. Are you living your life to the full potential that God has created for you?
I remembered after losing my vision I thought my life would never be the same again. Indeed, my life would never be the same again because now I'm living each day to the fullest. I don't take anything or anyone for granted. Now I have a purpose in life. I have been truly blessed. Through all of my setbacks in life I have always turned to God for guidance and most of all I stayed positive because I am a child of the creator of this universe and nothing is impossible for me to accomplish.
Today’s mission!!!
Do things throughout the day to make you feel good.
Before going to bed tonight write down 10 things that you are grateful for.
Focus on speaking positive words when you are communicating with others. It is a great start to building lasting relationships.
Look for the good in every being.
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are short positive statements that are repeated daily to create an imprint into your subconscious mind. This mechanism creates a shift in your subconscious mind to welcome positive thinking about yourself. As you read each statement take a few seconds and reflect on each of the statement.
I love and believe in myself
I am grateful for what I have
I accept myself totally and unconditionally
I am 100% responsible for my life
I focus on what I appreciate in others
I can!
I am loving and caring
I see beauty in everything
I am the only person in charge of my happiness and bliss
I am patient
The more I give love, the more I receive love
I live in a universe of abundance
I am detached from the outcome
I persist in the directions of my dreams
I compare my progress only to myself
I take things one day at a time
I can change my life by changing my thoughts
I live my life the way I want to
I forgive and move on
I become what I think about, so I only think of good thoughts
I only have thoughts that empower me
I am decisive
My mind is focused on what I desire
Today I choose to be the best I can be at everything I do
Shake off the disappointments that had held you back from accomplishing your goals for many years. Do something you haven’t done before. Have that burning desire to live each day to the fullest. You only fail if you stop trying. Keep believing, hoping, having faith that you will overcome every obstacle in your life and you will rise above all. Never stop dreaming!
If you’re not happy where you are in life now don’t be discouraged you can change it. Decide what makes you happy and go for it. It is never too late to start over.
Everyday is a gift from God so expect GREAT things coming your way.
Have a bright and productive day filled with God’s abundant blessings.
I love and appreciate you!
Remember to SMILE!:-)
With Love & Gratitude,