CONGRATULATIONS FOR MAKING TO DAY 8!!!! WOO HOO!!!! I am very proud of you for taking this leap of faith to create a positive shift in your life. WAY TO GO!!! You Deserve It!!!
Many times we are flooded with brilliant ideas but just thinking about getting started is overwhelming. First, be clear about what it is you want to accomplish. Second, take baby steps in order to accomplish your task. Do not try to do everything at once because it will only overwhelm you. Take one step at a time.
14 Ways To Get Motivated!
Set Goals for yourself: short and long –term goals.
Go for a walk and look at the beauty that surrounds you.
Listen to your favorite song.
Laugh more.
Read inspirational stories of people making a difference.
Use positive affirmations.
Play Games.
Surround yourself with positive people.
Say “No” to the things you don’t want to do or don’t have the extra time to invest in new projects.
Do not aim for perfection.
Do one thing at a time.
Call up a friend who can inspire you.
The root of the lack of motivation is that you are not confident in yourself. You have to be confident in yourself and the task that you are undertaking. In every task that you are undertaking make sure it has value and you believe in it.
I know personally some morning it takes me a bit longer to get myself motivated for my daily tasks. I spend more time meditating, listening to uplifting music and also I listen to motivational speakers as well. I do whatever it takes to get myself up and about to be the best you can be at everything I do.
As soon as doubt enters your mind you are blocking the flow of abundance into your life. Recognize what is causing the doubts and work through them.
I have learnt that I can not motivate others because motivation is action but I can inspire motivation. Through this 21 day journey I am inspiring you to be the best that you can be at everything you do. We are all humans and we make mistakes. Do not beat up yourself for making the wrong decisions; learn from each mistake and move forward. Our journey through life is a learning process and who you were yesterday you are not today and who are today is not going to be who you will be tomorrow.
Today’s mission!!!
Do things throughout the day to make you feel good.
Before going to bed tonight write down 10 things that you are grateful for.
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are short positive statements that are repeated daily to create an imprint into your subconscious mind. This mechanism creates a shift in your subconscious mind to welcome positive thinking about yourself. As you read each statement take a few seconds and reflect on each of the statement.
I love and believe in myself
I am grateful for what I have
I accept myself totally and unconditionally
I am 100% responsible for my life
I focus on what I appreciate in others
I can!
I am loving and caring
I see beauty in everything
I am the only person in charge of my happiness and bliss
I am patient
The more I give love, the more I receive love
I live in a universe of abundance
I am detached from the outcome
I persist in the directions of my dreams
I compare my progress only to myself
I take things one day at a time
I can change my life by changing my thoughts
I live my life the way I want to
I forgive and move on
I become what I think about, so I only think of good thoughts
I only have thoughts that empower me
I am decisive
My mind is focused on what I desire
Today I choose to be the best I can be at everything I do
Have an attitude that breaks records rather than breaking down yourself.
Wishing you a beautiful day filled with God’s abundant blessings.
I love and appreciate you!
Remember to SMILE! :-)
With Love & Gratitude,