The first step to creating any change you want in your life is believing you have the power within you to make that change possible.
Day 2: Loving yourself.
I know this may sound very strange to love yourself but you must love yourself first before you can give others the permission to love you. You have to help yourself first before you can help others.
Day 3: Reprogramming your mind!
In order the reprogram your mind towards positive thinking you have to shift the way you look at things. Start by looking at the positive in every situation. At first it will be hard but if you stay consistent in looking for the good in every situation, then as time goes by you will notice that you mind will automatically shift towards finding the positive. By projecting positive thoughts you will attract positive people, circumstances and events in your life.
Day 4: Attitude of Gratitude!
Having an attitude of gratitude is the fastest way to feel positive, both emotionally and physically. When you begin to appreciate everything around you the world automatically seem to be a brighter place to be. The more you appreciate everything you have in your life right now, the more greater things to enter into you life.
Day 5: Dealing with Fear!
Fear can take over your life. Focus your energy on the positives in life. Fear plays tricks with your mind and makes you believe the worst is coming your way. In reality you are just attracting more negativity into your life by focusing your energy on fear. Fear can hold you back from accomplishing great things. Turn around the fears in your life to having faith and believing the best is yet to come. Fear is only what you tell your mind. Faith instills hope and fear brings negativity into. Having faith gives you reassurance that the impossible is possible. You can do anything you want once you stay in faith.
Day 6: Trust!
Trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Your limitations are what you are telling yourself. Your thoughts are holding you back from being your very best. It is not too late to have the life that you want. The first step is accepting the fact that you are exactly where you need to be right now. Figure out what it is you want in your life and attach positive thoughts to it. Be clear about what it is you want.
Day 7: Self-esteem!
Self-esteem is the way you feel about yourself. When you feel good about yourself the world seems to be a brighter place and everything in your life feels wonderful. On the other hand, if you have negative feelings about yourself then everyday will be a challenge.
Day 8: Getting Motivated!
Many times we are flooded with brilliant ideas but just thinking about getting started is overwhelming. First, be clear about what it is you want to accomplish. Second, take baby steps in order to accomplish your task. Do not try to do everything at once because it will only overwhelm you. Take one step at a time.
Day 9: Doing small things in a great way!
When you feel discouraged put a smile on your face even if you have to pretend you are happy and leave the room. Go for a coffee break or for walk but get yourself away from the situation that has made you discouraged in the first place.
When we make others feel good about themselves it also makes us happy. Be willing to give others compliments, a hug or just a simple smile.
Day 10: Investing in YOU!
Many times we get caught up taking care of others and we forget to take care of ourselves. That is one of the biggest mistakes especially women make. We have to take care of ourselves first before we can help anyone else.
Everyday you are given a mission so be sure to do the daily work required in order to get the best results.
Are you saying and believing your affirmations?
Affirmations are short positive statements when repeated daily will affirm positive thoughts about yourself. It is a great practice.
You can also create your own affirmations which will be best suited for you or you can use the ones on the blog.
Have a beautiful day filled with God’s abundant blessings.
Thank you, for your continued love and support. It is greatly appreciated.
I love and appreciate you!
With Love & Gratitude,